Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gossip Girl vs. Psych

I really found it interesting that out of the three shows I picked, Gossip Girl, Psych, andLeverage, Gossip Girl did not contain the worst sexual content amount. That show is pretty much based completely around sex, and yet the episodet that I watched hardly contained any. The sex in G.G. was much more explicit, and it was portrayed in a very different light than Psych or Leverage. Leverage and Psych both used their sexual content as jokes; they were things said to break up a serious situation or something similar. The thing is, though, it was still there! Crazy how much sex is actually there when you stop to pay attention!


  1. I was surprised too! I love psych though, such a good show! :)

  2. That really surprises me. I love both Psych and Leverage, but now that I think about it, I guess there are quite a few sexual jokes in them.

  3. I love Gossip Girl! But I think a few of the episodes have enough sexual content for a whole season, or two- compared to other shows. So you lucked out! I have never seen Psych though. Maybe I will have to check it out!
